No New Clothes // A Commitment to Sustainable Fashion
Here's why I haven't bought any new clothes in a year.
sustainable, secondhand, fashion, shopping
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No New Clothes // A Commitment to Sustainable Fashion

Come closer so I can tell you a secret: For the past year, I haven’t bought any new clothes.

Given the content of this site, you may not believe me—but it’s true.

As much as I love fashion, I’ve been thinking more about what I use, how it affects the environment, and how I can live more sustainably.

Fashion manufacturing is a big polluter—second only to oil production, debatably—and after doing some research and thinking about how I fit into the world at large, I thought I’d try something new. Or technically, something old.

I have two rules:

1 // 80% of clothing purchases must be secondhand
I left 20% open since I obviously want to wear new underwear, pajamas, and stuff like basic white tees (I mean, it’s difficult to keep those things pristine as it is). But everything else? Secondhand only.

2 // Shoes and accessories are fair game
Look, I’m realistic. I love me some shoes (especially booties), and a modern bag or piece of jewelry can elevate an entire outfit. No need to throw out the baby with the bathwater, right?

sustainable fashion secondhand
Thanks to whomever donated this adorable dress!

I love vintage and do well with goals, so it’s really a fun challenge. For example, I was looking for a cute dress to wear to a wedding in New Orleans, so I stopped into Portaluca, a boutique supporting Dress for Success. After a few minutes browsing the racks I had several contenders, and decided on this cute little red number that fit perfectly (with the help of Spanx).

I’m not saying I’ll never buy new clothes again. But when you think about it, it makes sense to buy secondhand when possible, especially classic items and things that are back in style (which is most fashion, really).

Secondhand stores and vintage shops likely have whatever you’re looking for. They carry the real real. For less.