Work With Me
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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I cape for creators.


Cape \kayp\ verb: to act as a superhero, advocate.


Cre-a-tors \kree-AY-turz\ noun: entrepreneurs, makers, go-getters, idea-havers.

I provide strategy, style, and content for people who want to build their brand and grow their business.

Entrepreneurs come to me when they:


– Want to have a more polished, stylish image online.


– Need a clear strategy for bringing their brand to life so they can grow their business.


– Want high-end content for their websites, newsletters and social media.


– Want their content to do the work of selling and getting customers so they can focus on what they do best.


Coaching is great and strategy is crucial, but action is key.

I make it easy for entrepreneurs to level up their content so they can spend time closing sales instead of chasing them.

I’ve worked with:

Let’s work together!


Here’s how I can help you take your business to the next level:

I’m here to help you take action and create high-end content that sells for you.


Have questions? Let’s chat! Set up a time that works for you here.

In the meantime, watch these freebies:

Struggling to choose what idea to focus on? Try this technique!
Check out this free mini-workshop to help you kickstart your marketing!