Style: Off the Wall
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Style: Off the Wall


knitdressbottom Some days it can be difficult to put an outfit together–especially since I usually roll out of bed an hour before I’m supposed to be at the office. On those days, when I’m stumbling around in the dark in a semi-coherent sleep haze, a dress is my best option.

But how do you add interest when you only have one piece to work with?

Personally, I like to add pieces of various colors and textures: a striped knit dress, print scarf, decorated leather jacket, feathered hoop earrings, purple knit beret and cranberry colored heels.

It doesn’t necessarily match, but that’s the point: I don’t like to look too matchy-matchy. It reminds me of Garanimals and I start having KinderCare flashbacks!

So, while I usually mix colors and textures to add interest, you might do something different. I’m open to suggestions, so…

Any tips?