Like grown folks
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Like grown folks

These old school Liz Claiborne trousers are so Miss Denecke (my second grade teacher), whose life goals must have included looking like an extra from the set of “Knots Landing” and teaching us to properly write cursive. I’m wearing teacher pants and a blazer. It’s (almost) like I’m a grown up!

Speaking of growing up*, have you ever thought about what it would be like to spend your childhood as an unpaid laborer or sex slave? Neither had I until I had the opportunity to sit down with Emily Hill of Stop Traffick Fashion, an online shop dedicated to raising awareness about human trafficking through the sale of merchandise created by survivors, who are often sold/kidnapped as children.

Stop Traffick Fashion

Emily with Stop Traffick Fashion merchandise

My heart sank into my toes when she pointed out that much of the world’s supply of cacao–you know, used to make chocolate–was harvested by slave children. I almost cried when I went to and saw that Haagen-Dazs…mmm, dulce de leche ice cream…wait, what was I saying again? Oh yeah, so the tears flowed when I noticed that Haagen-Dazs hadn’t yet responded to the Producer Pledge, and I promptly added my name to the letters to several companies on the site.

No one’s saying you have to be perfect, and it’s pretty much impossible to know the entire supply chain of every single item you use, but I figure the least I can do is try. Even if that means scaling back on the desserts and Forever21 binges.

Check out the full article on my Examiner page and try to think of ways you can make a difference.  If nothing else, you can get some holiday shopping done!

*Need to work on my segways, huh?

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  • Alicia

    November 16, 2009 at 3:30 pm

    It’s wonderful that she’s raising awareness about this subject. I didn’t know about the chocolate trade, and will dutifully be curbing my binges in the chocolate, ice cream, and F21 sectors.

  • Nia B

    November 19, 2009 at 7:20 pm


    First, I want to start out by saying that I love your blog and magazine! I am so glad I found them both. Now, I was wondering how a blogger like me, can be featured on/in your magazine?

    Please take a look at my blog…I have been featured in major magazines in Dubai, like Harpers Bazaar Arabia, Viva Magazine and newspapers. I have some photos of myself on teh blog, but if you require high res, I can email the to you.

    I hope to hear from you soon!


    Nia B

    “Dubai’s It Girl”

  • sosweetimwicked

    November 23, 2009 at 4:56 am

    I love the first pants! i need it! did you have it tailored for you?

  • Pingback:Stop Traffick photo shoot | The Style Sample

    March 15, 2010 at 8:05 am
  • Pingback:In Check | The Style Sample

    June 25, 2010 at 11:23 am
  • tiffany silver

    May 27, 2011 at 11:03 am

    which sells bags, jewelry, and soon clothing (woo-hoo!) made by survivors of human trafficking, asked a couple of her friends to model for a photo shoot. Being the vain,