Current Obsessions: Lovely trench, P90X, and MSCL
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Current Obsessions: Lovely trench, P90X, and MSCL

The wonderful sunshine-and-rainbows almost-spring weather of the past few days means one thing–okay, two things:

1. I need to get back on the workout train and get rid of at least one of my chins.

2. It’s time for a new spring wardrobe!

These are my current obsessions:

Queen’s Wardrobe Lovely Burbery [sic] 2 trench

I was actually drooling over what must have been the original Lovely Burbery trench, but apparently it sold out while I was wiping my mouth. No matter. This one is close enough and, yes, just as lovely.

P90X Extreme Home Fitness Training System

This would take care of issue #1, and I can tell it works because the typeface looks like GLEAMING METAL. ‘Cause it’s a serious workout and stuff. Plus, TV infomercials only show products that really work, right? Right?

My So-Called Life

Hulu has the full first (and only) season of one of my old favorites, including the heartbreakingly relatable Self Esteem. The scene at the end with Angela and foine *ss Jordan Catalano is, like, one of the best. Ever.

  • Fajr | Stylish Thought

    March 8, 2010 at 11:18 am

    Well I’ve heard that P90X works wonders, albeit you’re body will be a throbbing sore mess for the entire 90 days! They don’t put that on the label… Love the trench lapels!

    • tamia

      March 10, 2010 at 6:17 am

      My main concern is that I would sit and watch the videos the same way I sit and watch the infomercials–SITTING & WATCHING, as opposed to doing!

  • Chris

    March 8, 2010 at 10:51 pm

    Myself, my girlfriend, and my friend all just began the P90X workout 1 week ago and are posting pictures and results on a blog. If you are interested in seeing firsthand if it works or if its a bunch of media hyper feel free to check out our page.