Winning Weekend
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Winning Weekend

Let’s see…

Last weekend I was headed to a class at Media Bridges (I’m hoping to learn about video production) when I noticed a commotion at Washington Park.

You should’ve seen everybody groovin’ to “Da Butt!”

It was one of Go Cincinnati‘s service projects, Go Grub. Washington Park was packed to the brim with ‘hood regulars, neighborly urbanites, and suburban families eating, dancing, and playing together. It was friggin’ awesome, and I hope the “revitalization” plans take into account include the people who currently call the park a second (and sometimes first) home. Improvement does not equal displacement.

Later that day, Fountain Square was hoppin’ prior to the Reds’ Civil Rights game.

It was such a beautiful day.

I finally had a chance to sit down and flip through my print copy of the latest issue of Style Sample magazine–it looks so good!

Flipping through pages of issue #7

You can order print copies at MagCloud. FriendBoy read through it and promptly told me I should be a millionaire…and generously volunteered to be my sugar baby. Thanks, babe.

Speaking of FriendBoy, he was in a grillin’ mood all weekend. On Sunday, he made some pretty fantastic barbecue ribs.

Technically, I’m transitioning to vegetarianism (very slooowly and gradually, you see), but I couldn’t resist a rib or six. Add southern-style potato salad and baked beans, and I was in a food coma for a good hour.

Later, I went to Venue 222 to watch Casablanca, and ate even more food (how? why?) since I wasn’t able to resist the sweet potato fries and mini key lime pie from Cafe de Wheels.

I left singing my own completely off-key rendition of “As Time Goes By” and wondering if it’s worth it to don a white tuxedo and matching fedora just to sit on the couch and watch TV.

How was your weekend?

  • Alicia

    May 17, 2010 at 2:00 pm

    This post is full of awesome. I mean, I know TSS was in print, but I SEE it. It’s BEAUTIFUL!!!!

    You should be a millionaire. And there is nothing wrong with killing some ribs mid-transition to vegetarianism.


    • tamia

      May 19, 2010 at 7:33 am

      The tactile experience totally makes a difference. Thanks Alicia!

  • Pingback:Well suited | The Style Sample

    May 21, 2010 at 8:24 am
  • kirstie

    June 21, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    Im trying to be a vegaterian too..its not going to well. I keep telling myself once I have my last in and out burger all start. I love your style and your hair is fabulous. I cant wait to get my hands on your magazine it looks unbelievable.

    • tamia

      June 22, 2010 at 6:38 am

      Thanks, Kirstie! It’s hard to get out of what I call the “meat mindset”–there’s always that one last burger/bbq rib/pork chop…