Guide: Summer in the City
Where strategy meets style
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Guide: Summer in the City

‘Member how I said I wanted to start including stuff about other people on this site so it’s only, say, 95% self-indulgent vanity? Well, I’m sticking with it!

I asked a few of my bloggy friends (that’s what I’m calling them until YOU come up with something better, all right?) what they were into right now and they rose to the occasion:

Occupation:  Sales Analyst  |  Stomping ground: Downtown Cincinnati

Reading:  Finishing Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell and carrying around Run Less, Run Faster like it’s my bible.

Drinking:  Over 100 oz of water a day…it’s hot and I’m training for a fast half-marathon in September.

Listening: To Shrek: the Musical and Finding Nemo: the Musical.  I guess I like dorky musicals.

Craving: Vietnamese food.  Have you tried the Tofu Soft Roll at Cilantro?

Going:  To Rock City!  I’ve wanted to visit since reading Go-Go Girls of the  Apocalypse.  (Rock City is the setting of the final battle in the book.)

Wearing: Tons of bangles.  They are my new, favorite accessory.

You can find out more about Kasmira at


Occupation: Network Analyst  |   Stomping ground: Downtown/OTR

Reading: Currently reading Embassytown by China Mieville. Rags include GQ, Wired and Dwell. The Sunday NY Times and a million different blogs.

Drinking: Love a good IPA. And now that it’s warmed up, Dark & Stormies on the deck.

Listening: To Alt, one of several different stations on iTunes radio. A mix of genres, mostly alt on the iPod shuffle. HATE classic rock. (Ed note: WTF? Who hates classic rock?)

Craving: A beach vacation with a box of cigars and a cooler full of Landshark (not an IPA I know, but a beach calls for beach beer).

Going: To New York City in the fall, we’ve never been there. Some short road trips over the summer.

Wearing: The “Spring” was way too short, I was rocking blazers and ties for a short time. Now it looks like Madras shorts and lightweight T’s while the heat lasts.

See what else Bob is up to at

Being nosy is fun! More to come…

  • Rachael

    June 9, 2011 at 8:51 am

    I love this feature! It’s great to read about other Cincy bloggers!

  • 5chw4r7z

    June 9, 2011 at 3:37 pm

    yeah, classic music is all fun and games for you, but I lived through the 80’s. I heard “just another band out of Boston” one too many times and snapped. Can’t listen to anything written before 2000 now.

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    July 8, 2011 at 11:41 pm