Weekend Photo Diary: Booty Fights and a Photo Shoot
Where strategy meets style
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Weekend Photo Diary: Booty Fights and a Photo Shoot

Busy weekend! I headed to Fountain Square on Friday night to snap some pictures and check out the Indie Summer show.

Cincy Brass got the party started, and Big Freedia? Big Freedia turned it into a Par-TAY with a capital P, with multiple simultaneous booty fights happening on stage. Seriously, if you don’t know about New Orleans bounce, you have to check her out. Azz everywhere, indeed.

The City Flea

On Saturday, I stopped by The City Flea to take some street style pics for A-Line, browse, and of course, eat.

Once again, people brought their fashion A-game, and now my new goal in life is to get my hands on that icing squeezer thingy (mmm, buttercream) so I can eat it straight out of the bag. Thanks for the motivation, Jess!

Photo Shoot

On Sunday, I piled a bunch of clothes and shoes in my car and headed over to Falling Wall condos to style a photo shoot for A-Line magazine.

It was crazybusyfunexhausting, but the models, photographer, hair and makeup artist, and magazine girls were so fantastic, it was a blast!

How was your weekend?

  • GlaminCincy

    July 11, 2011 at 9:37 am

    I LOVE New Orleans bounce!! It’s such a fun hidden art form- well I guess not anymore. I remember spending a Summer down there for an internship and my cousins turning up the radio and showing me how to pepop (booty pop). I brought a CD back-yes) for people to listen to and they thought I was crazy. I am so sad I didn’t realize they were here. It’s a BIG thing in the South specifically in New Orleans. Katy Red is another really popular artist. Man..I’m sad i missed it. YES I’m sure there was booty popping everywhere. 🙂

    • tamia

      July 20, 2011 at 7:09 am

      Both Freedia and Katey Red were part of a really interesting story the NYT did on so-called “sissy rap.” I don’t like the name, but the sound is dope–I played “Gin in My System” nonstop for days!

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    July 14, 2011 at 8:21 am