Already Fell
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Already Fell

I am such a clothes hoarder that my own (old) stuff almost qualifies as vintage. I bought this skort (yes, SKORT–a shorts/skirt combo that’s like a mullet for your arse) at Express circa 2000-2001 and I’ve had it so long it’s practically in again.

DIY crop top; Express romper; Jeffrey Campbell shoes

Funny story about the crop top: I was chatting with a friend when I noticed her looking at me quizzically.

“Did you get that shirt from me?”

“What? No, I got this at Atomic 10 months ago…”

“I gave that top to her!”

“Really? Well, I chopped off a few inches and now it’s my favorite crop top!” *gigglelaughgiggle*

…aaaand SCENE

Crazy coincidence, right?

  • Bonifant

    August 31, 2011 at 10:52 am

    That IS funny my friends and I clothes swap or donate to each other and that ‘quizzical look’ is hilarious. You can see the wheels turning. The item looks familiar and you see them coming out of the haze finally recognizing it used to be theirs ahahaha

    • tamia

      September 6, 2011 at 11:37 am

      Exactly! It’s kind of like running into someone from grade school–you recognize the face, but something seems…different.