Tumblr Tuesday: Spiked Brick and Ankle Cuffs
Where strategy meets style
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Tumblr Tuesday: Spiked Brick and Ankle Cuffs

Heat sensitive tile would make my bleary-eyed morning showers so much more entertaining; God bless whoever thought to turn a hole in a brick wall into a spiky gold mini-cave of tough chic;  Since I’ve been experimenting with my nails, I’m kind of getting into the idea of matching them to my outfit; I love that this fiery painting evokes a visceral emotional response, just the way art should; I don’t know exactly where this little spot of paradise is, but I know I want to go to there; Ankle bracelets toe the line between cute and tacky, but ankle cuffs done right are perfectly Princess Jasmine.

  • pd

    April 9, 2012 at 4:39 pm

    what is that ankle cuff? i want one