Tumblr Tuesday: Pasta Earrings and Deep Tea Divers
Where strategy meets style
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Tumblr Tuesday: Pasta Earrings and Deep Tea Divers

Skulls stopped being truly subversive a few years ago, but I like the proper lady/hellraiser vibe of these tea saucers; Flourescent and plastic Loubs are fabulously tacky in the way that only ridiculously expensive shoes can be; This image of deep tea divers only serves to amplify my appreciation for clever art; I may or may not have* devoured a few pints of this key lime pie ice cream;  Delicate patterns + letterpress = a winning combination; Food-as-accessories (note the pasta earrings) has to be my newest Favorite Thing.

Find more creative inspiration at stylesample.tumblr.com!

*Definitely did.