Muse-ings: Fancy Shopping Carts and Floral Headgear
Where strategy meets style
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Muse-ings: Fancy Shopping Carts and Floral Headgear

creative design inspiration blog

1. I tend to vacillate between extreme shapes and go for either skin-tight pencil skirts or super-full circle skirts. Right now, I’m in a circle skirt state of mind.

2. If real shopping carts were this glamorous, picking up groceries in the company of 200 of your closest neighbor-strangers might not be such a tedious chore.

3. I’m in dire need of a vacation and need to go to WHEREVER THIS IS I DON’T CARE LET’S GO.

4. My unhealthy obsession with impractical headpieces seems to be coming along nicely! Yay?

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