Shop Around // Hi-Bred
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Shop Around // Hi-Bred

Cincinnati vintage shopping

One of the shops I frequent when I’m scouting for work or hunting for vintage for my own collection is Hi-Bred in Walnut Hills. Owner Shawna Maria Guip (remember we profiled for the September issue of Cincinnati Magazine?) has filled her shop to the brim with vintage and secondhand clothes, accessories, and home goods, all apparently selected to trigger my Things I Must Have sensors.

Cincinnati vintage shopping There’s plenty of manly menswear and cute things for home

ShopAround_HiBred-jeans I will be attempting to squeeze into a pair of these vintage jeans (with Comfort Stretch!) at some point, just so you know. THEY WILL BE MINE.


One of the things I love most about Hi-Bred is the aspect of discovery–every nook and cranny, every drawer, every cabinet is filled with treasures. I could spend an entire day exploring!

Cincinnati vintage shopping

The shop security guard is an adorable dog named Scout who just happens to be obsessed with Flamin’ Hot Cheetos (clearly my kind of dog), and Shawna Maria is planning to open up the basement soon, which means you’ll be able to find even more stylish goodies. So basically, you need to go to there. Just stay away from my jeans.

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2807 Woodburn Avenue, Walnut Hills

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