Blue is the Warmest
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Blue is the Warmest

cincinnati fashion stylist blog

Wore this out to an impromptu dinner necessitated by the fact that my fridge is currently running on empty. I’d actually been wanting to wear these pants because 1. They’re comfy as hell 2. They’re high-waisted enough to conceal the result of eating gelato and pizza and cake (oh my!) all weekend.

cincinnati fashion stylist blog Thrifted pants, cuffs, and clutch, Moda International top, Steven heels, Hats in the Belfry straw fedora, Lily in Flux pendant necklace, Forever21 earrings

Full disclosure: I hardly ever wear this top because it’s always a bit of a dilemma what type of bra (if any) to wear with it–my strapless bras show in the back, and those stick-on-cup things can’t withstand the, um, moisture generated by 86-degree, 90% humidity days. Feel free to throw any suggestions for boob-restraints my way if you have ’em.