Shopping // Go Forth and Holiday
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Cincinnati shopping fashion blog

Shopping // Go Forth and Holiday

Cincinnati shopping fashion blog

Well, Turkey Day has come and gone and now we’re really, really, RILLY in the throes of the holiday season. If you count shopping and parties as cardio–and you should–here are some fun ways to burn off the leftover sweet potato pie you/I/we had for breakfast:

Friday, November 28th

  • Cincinnati lifestyle mecca High Street is hosting their annual Black Friday White Russian party from 7-10pm. Go to check out the amazing new 2nd floor furniture store, stay to drool over the gorgeous Ayala Bar earrings I’ve been lusting after for a year.
  • Myrtle’s Punch House is (finally) opening on my favorite street in Walnut Hills. It’s a Molly Wellman joint so there WILL be hipsters, but the drinks are sure to be tasty and it’s a quick hop to Hi-Bred for vintage or Mar.De Couture for a sessy party dress.

Saturday, November 29th

  • Crafty Supermarket’s Holiday Show is here! I’ll be there awarding superlatives to the best vendors and spending way too much of my hard-earned money on awesome handcrafted jewelry. Follow thestylesample on Instagram to see my picks!
  • Ruggedly manly menswear shop Article is adding to the retail landscape (hooray!) with a women’s boutique called Idlewild. The store is slated to open next Spring, but the Idlewild x FERN pop-up shop will be open weekends through December.

Sunday, November 30th

  • Kenwood will undoubtedly be CUH-RAZY, so why not spend some time at the City Flea SMall Mall instead? Shop a well-curated selection of local crafters and boutiques in the artsy luxury of the 21C and CAC.
  • Keep the warm-and-fuzzy feels going at Westwood’s Deck the Hall holiday celebration and craft fair. Hot cider, Santa’s workshop, festive music…‘tis the season y’all!
  • Ashleigh

    November 29, 2014 at 12:41 am

    I can’t wait to hit up city flea!

    • tamia

      December 1, 2014 at 11:37 pm

      I did some pretty serious damage at Crafty AND the Small Mall!