Search Results tumblr tuesday
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Tumblr Tuesday: Wooden Rams and Striped Popsicles

Layering sheer mixed florals is the epitome feminine decadence; I’m sure my entire life would be better if I lived here; These striped popsicles–er, frozen ice pops look artistic AND yummy; A bright wooden ram sculpture suddenly seems like a necessity; Something about a rack of bright new clothes makes me want…bright new clothes; A wooden skeleton ain’t so scary once it gets the artistic treatment. Find more inspiration at!

Tumblr Tuesday: Kryptonite Quartz and Spilt Milk

I’ve always been weirdly fascinated by planet Krypton-looking quartz; Only Mme. Casta could make lounging on a big tangle of string/rope/cotton candy(?) look this good; Rainbow icees make summer worth the heat; No use crying over spilt milk when you can just row, row, row your boat in it; I wish I could make paint daubs on a canvas look like high art; This couch made entirely of pillows is an afternoon nap waiting to...

Tumblr Tuesday: Cute Kittens and a Magical Wonderland

I wish I could figure out how to work a full-on tree into my living room decor; Studded nude heels go with everything; Can there ever really be enough cute kitties on the internets?; I can’t believe this magical wonderland exists in real life; Love this wax seal-inspired bracelet charm by Jessica de Lotz; a strawberry and cream covered waffle is officially the new Breakfast of Champions. Find more inspiration at!

Tumblr Tuesday: Strawberry shortcake & Camel clothes

A series of abstract digital prints really gussies up a collection of book covers; Presented this way, strawberry shortcake seems like a perfectly reasonable breakfast; A bottle of Vodka and a stack of ice pops make any hot summer day more tolerable; Highly saturated fashion photos always seem so decadent and mysterious; I’m only slightly embarrassed to admit that I’m envious of this camel’s outfit; You will now think about ice cream cone excrement every...

Tumblr Tuesday: Colorful Crochet and Double Rainbow Rainbows

Hope you had a great long weekend! Looks like playtime is over and it’s back to the regular ol’ grind. Here’s what’s inspiring me right now: Mysterious, exciting dusk has always been my favorite time of day; I like the way the world looks in watercolor; How much better would naps be in this colorful crochet contraption?; Crochet dresses can often be folksy, but this dress is just HAWT; A double rainbow rainbow of bold...