digital magazine
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Indie Newsstand

Time for some more indie magazine love!Joie is a women's lifestyle magazine covering art, craft, living, design, fashion, and more.Who's Jack is a lifestyle magazine for men and women, filled with fashion, music, art, design, and film.Faint is an independent fashion, art and culture magazine featuring international artists and designers.Collect/ive is a fine arts magazine focused on giving exposure to young artists. Minimal words, plenty of pictures.

Miss Independent

For reasons I probably don't (or maybe I do) need to explain, I've developed an obsession with independently published magazines, especially the artsy-fartsy/fashion-y ones run by a small group of passionate people. I understand the commitment, the dedication, the long hours, and the attention that goes into even the tiniest detail. I've experienced the frustration when contributors don't follow through, the elation when the final product is finished, the nervous jitters that invade your stomach (can

It is done.

Hark, the first issue of Style Sample Magazine: Click and open in full screen mode for the "full effect." Links in the magazine are active, so explore and enjoy! While you're doing that, I'm off to take multiple naps and catch up on The Young and the Restless