Shop Around
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Shop Around // Topshop x Nordstrom

The Fall after I graduated college, I headed to London for a few months to take a class at Central St. Martins. I LOVED the city: the history, the neighborhoods, the accents. And the shopping. The shopping was BEYOND. One day, while exploring/getting lost (this was pre-GPS), I stumbled upon Oxford Street and my life was forever changed. That bustling stretch of street was host to some of the best shopping I’d ever seen, from Accessorize

Shop Around // Camargo Trading Company

On one of my first trips to Camargo Trading Company, nosiness/curiosity led me on a dizzying exploration of wedding registry plates, plaid picture frames, and other tchotchkes and gifts for the ladies-who-lunch-in-yoga-pants set. I’d seen just about everything when, lured by a “Sale” sign, I cautiously headed towards a quiet corner in the back of the store. "There’s more upstairs,” a friendly voice chimed in from behind, and for the first time I noticed the staircase

Shop Around: Casablanca Vintage

Just because I'm not shopping doesn't mean I can't encourage other people to do so! When I find good stuff, I like to share (I'm generous like that), so let's Shop Around: Almost exactly a year ago during Style Tour, I visited Casablanca Vintage and it was a hot mess and a half. There was a mountain of clothes piled on the floor, there didn't seem to be any order to the way