social media
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Photo Diary: Chicken Suit Sunday

Vintage jumpsuit, thrifted vest and belt; Ash sandals, Marc Jacobs bag This weekend, I flaunted my chicken legs in a  Top Gun Goes To Summer Camp jumpsuit; chatted with some great folks at a New Media Cincy meetup; had a fantastic time hanging out with my dad on Fountain Square; mingled with hipsters at the Chicken Lays an Egg fashion show (which was the rowdiest, sassiest fashion show I've been to in a long time,

Reading Round-up: Sleazy photographers and amusing infographics

Working from home can get a bit lonely, but it sounds like the trade-off is worth it. Plus, you can always post your outfit on your blog if you don't want your cat to be the only one to see it.  The Beat Goes on, Minus the Glitz I could go on about this for days: Fashion Brands and Social Media ROI: Are the traditional measures really relevant? The ideas presented in Getting Serious About Social Media

Reading Roundup: Learning from old white dudes and something better than a Snuggie

The socio-economic implications associated with style of dress makes fashion a topic worth talking about in my opinion, but this post about Why Fashion is Worth Blogging About does a great job of breaking it down for those who don't quite get it.  Be sure to check out some of the comments, too. "You should be passionate about what you do for a living, and don't let any fool tell you otherwise." Advertising copywriter Derek Walker's

Social media hierarchy: I’m a Twitter ho

There's a certain amount of intimacy associated with certain types of new media. For me, it's sort of like dating--you know, you start out slow by meeting and getting to know someone (Twitter), then get to know one another the relationship progresses (blogs, Facebook). In my book, anyone who has my email address is practically a lover.  Here's how it breaks down: Twitter As long as you're not a spammer and I like what you have to