Where strategy meets style
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Tumblr Tuesday: Strawberry shortcake & Camel clothes

A series of abstract digital prints really gussies up a collection of book covers; Presented this way, strawberry shortcake seems like a perfectly reasonable breakfast; A bottle of Vodka and a stack of ice pops make any hot summer day more tolerable; Highly saturated fashion photos always seem so decadent and mysterious; I'm only slightly embarrassed to admit that I'm envious of this camel's outfit; You will now think about ice cream cone excrement every

Tumblr Tuesday: Colorful Crochet and Double Rainbow Rainbows

Hope you had a great long weekend! Looks like playtime is over and it's back to the regular ol' grind. Here's what's inspiring me right now: Mysterious, exciting dusk has always been my favorite time of day; I like the way the world looks in watercolor; How much better would naps be in this colorful crochet contraption?; Crochet dresses can often be folksy, but this dress is just HAWT; A double rainbow rainbow of

Tumblr Tuesday: Cardboard cameras and cake art

Something about this look at the Miss Unkon show feels perfect right now; A single flower bathed in light has a very calming effect; The idea of a (non-working) cardboard camera is oddly intriguing; This is clearly the most realistic clock EVER; I've always been partial to this Julian Louie x Aldo collection even though I couldn't find it locally; Clearly, I'm not the only one who believes that cake = art.More inspiration at stylesample.tumblr.com!

Tumblr Tuesday: Crocheted bike cozies and rainbow cupcakes

Count me in for a crocheted bike cozy; I love when rainbow-colored paper fish swim through the air; Lifesaver lipstick and cherry candy are enough to send me on a sugar high; Colorful nebulae bring out my Trekkie tendencies; Rainbow cupcakes are God's sweet promise of peace; I NEED to flit around on the beach wearing a colorful headwrap thanks to this spread in Vogue Russia.Find more inspiration at stylesample.tumblr.com!