Packing for the Inauguration
Where strategy meets style
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Packing for the Inauguration

dctrippacking01091 I’m on my way to DC for the inauguration! Okay, technically, it’s not the inauguration–it’s the swearing in. I doubt I’ll be able to see anything important, but I really wanted to be there amidst the love and excitement.

So, since I have a long bus trip ahead (yes, that’s right: bus. Pray for me.) I spent some time (read: 20 minutes. Because I procrastinate. I’m the queen of “Eh, that can wait.”) considering what to pack. I need to be comfy (10 hours on a bus), warm (31 degrees in DC), but not sloppy (“Why yes, President Obama, I am a model”). In the spirit of The Glamourai’s post about travel dressing, I also brought a few special pieces to add a little sparkle.

1.Wool jamawar shawl
This scarf is so big and warm that it doubles as a blanket as needed. A blarf, if you will.
2. BCBG cardigan
Looks good open or belted and the draped collar adds interest.
3. American Apparel leggings
Black, stretchy, comfy. ‘Nuff said.
4. Dolce Vita flat boots (Christmas present!)
No driving into Capitol Hill means lots and lots and lots of walking. Flat shoes are a must!

Side note: Nina over at Femme Rationale tagged me, but I swear, I’m so bad at this stuff. I’m working on it!