Inspiration: Michael Jackson
Where strategy meets style
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Inspiration: Michael Jackson


So, I’m browsing through my RSS feeds and see a post from The Cut about the Michael Jackson wardrobe auction. Like most children of the ’80’s, I was a huge MJ fan and had the albums, posters, and accessories (I’m telling you, I would rock the f*&% out of that pendant necklace if I still had it) to prove it. I click the link to the auction catalogue just to check it out and perhaps reminisce a bit.

I wasn’t prepared, y’all. I was not prepared for the shiny, sparkling inspiration staring up at me from every page, or the sudden burning desire to wear rhinestones all the time.  This stuff is amazing and I want it all!



Apparently, I’m not the only one who was inspired:


Yeah, I’m looking at you Christophe.

Is the Bad-era leather not right in line with this (and next) season’s most prevailing trend? Does it not provide the perfect counterpoint to the Thriller-esque military jackets and Off the Wall sparkles and rhinestones? AM I LOSING MY MIND OVER HERE?*

*The correct answer is an unequivocal yes

Seriously, all I need are a few American Apparel pieces, 17 bags of rhinestones, a string of turkey feathers, and a day with a Bedazzler. I know that sounds crazy, mostly because it is, but please allow me to indulge my completely unrealistic and highly unlikely DIY fantasies:


Images: American Apparel, Hancock Fabrics, Rainbow Feathers

I suppose at least part of the attraction is the psychological desire to relive a part of my childhood, when times were easy, I was (mostly) innocent, and glitter and military jackets went hand-in-hand. Now, I’m not saying I’m actually going to execute all of these ideas–I am extremely lazy, after all–but for now, for the first time since approximately 1987, I really want to dress like Michael Jackson.

Am I the only one?