Memorial Day Closet Remix
Where strategy meets style
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Memorial Day Closet Remix


Memorial Day weekend usually marks the unofficial start of summer, and as such, is usually when I start pulling out my warm weather wardrobe. This year is a little dicey because I’m so busy doing other stuff–working on the 2nd issue of Style Sample Magazine, preparing for a business trip, gorging myself on fried foods at Taste of Cincinnati–but I figured I’d at least take inventory of what I have.

Except…Oh, what a tangled web. I pulled my summer stuff out, but there’s no room for it because an obnoxious closet monster has apparently regurgitated all of my belongings onto a chaotic jumble of hangers and shelves.

Silk camisoles are hung with Boy Scout shirts mixed in with graphic prints stuffed in with way too many skirts crammed next to Lord knows what else.

Don’t even get me started on all the tees and tanks and jeans haphazardly stuffed in the armoire. Or the inextricable tangle of costume jewelry. Or the pile of blushes, lip glosses (really, who needs this many? I only have two lips, right?), eyeliners, etc.:

Forget a weekend, I need a week.

On the plus side, I (re)discovered a treasure trove of thrifted and vintage items that I was on the verge of giving away: closetremix_finds0509
What was I thinking? I’m a pack rat, I don’t give stuff away! So, I have a huge pile to take to the dry cleaners and a smaller one to take to the tailor, but I’m really excited about my new/old stuff!

How do you manage your seasonal wardrobe switch? Any tips? Help!

  • Kyla

    May 25, 2009 at 11:27 am

    I can take some of that stuff off your hands anytime 😉

  • marian

    May 25, 2009 at 3:50 pm

    isnt it just great when you re-discover pieces?! love this post.
    muah x

  • Alicia

    May 26, 2009 at 1:36 am

    I have a huge pile of stuff that dudeguy constantly complains about for the same reason: I can’t give it up even though I kinda want to give it away. I keep thinking I’ll need it at some point.

    I need to do a thorough closet inventory and purge some stuff. As much as I harbor pack rat tendencies, I really do need to downsize.

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