I Want this Bag
Where strategy meets style
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I Want this Bag

Last night I was doing a bit of harmless screen-shopping and I came across this Philip Lim 3.1 bag at LaGarconne. The combination of contrasting cream and black leather and bronze-colored snakeskin trim immediately caught my eye and the slouchy, oversized shape stood out amongst all of the dainty clutches and handbags. It’s big enough for the usual must-have purse items plus my camera, shoes, lunch, water bottle, notepad, and scores of other stuff I tend to lug around. Hey, I have a lot of biz-ness, okay?

It’s perfect for me! It’s also waaaaayyyy out of my price range.

Thing is, I haven’t felt this way about an accessory since the infamous unrequited shoe yearning, and y’all know how that turned out:

What should I do? Obviously I’ll have to save up to afford the darn bag, but do you think it’s worth it?

Read these, too:
Shoe Shopping: LaDuca Trunk Show
Good times, man. Good times.
Fantasy Shopping: Shoe P*rn

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  • Tina Lane

    July 8, 2009 at 1:34 pm

    My personal philosophy is to buy less stuff and make bigger investments. Better to buy one faboo purse than 30 throwaways. But if it is a choice between the electric bill and the purse, I choose electricity. http://www.floridagirlmidwest.blogspot.com

  • Alicia

    July 8, 2009 at 2:12 pm

    Yes…it is…

  • Towanna

    July 8, 2009 at 3:21 pm

    Save up for the bag!!!! It’s so worth it and besides it will look hot with the must have shoes!!!

  • heavenlyhummingbird

    July 8, 2009 at 6:40 pm

    ok i dont want to be the devil on your shoulder, but you only live once and tomorrow is not promised. At the same time be smart about your purchase as long as it doesnt break you then get it 🙂

  • San Francisco Stylephile

    July 9, 2009 at 11:22 pm

    Oh my lord. Those shoes are amazing.

  • bartabac

    July 10, 2009 at 3:01 am

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  • arsha

    September 21, 2010 at 6:59 pm

    great blog. ok i KNOW this post is like super old. but i just stumbled across it today and have been just clicking away! you have a great sense of style.

    when i saw this post, i immediately remembered something i saw recently on ebay. it was a handbag that look almost exactly like the one you have posted!


    i liked it as well. but was a little apprehensive about the flower. what do u think?

    • tamia

      September 23, 2010 at 2:45 pm

      @arsha That’s really cute! I could do without the flower, but it’s probably removable anyway.