Tagged: Six Little Things I Love
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Tagged: Six Little Things I Love

The adorable San Francisco Stylephile tagged me with “Six Little Things I Love” last week, so here goes:

1. Crisp Pink Lady apples. I like to slice ’em up and smear some peanut butter on each slice. Mmm…
2. Cool breezes. Indoors and outdoors, day or night. Feels like God is sweeping by…
3. When my cat Cortez nuzzles his fuzzy little head against my shoulder. My baby!
4. A hot shower after a good workout. With mint body wash. So refreshing!
5. Talking and laughing with my parents. Not only do I love them, I really like them. They’re silly, like me.
6. Singing (completely off key) and dancing (I’m a much better dancer) to old school 80’s songs with The Boy. He’s silly, like me.

Now I tag Tina of Florida Girl Meets the Midwest, Alicia of InnyVinny, and Fajr of Stylish Thought

Read these, too:
Tagged, I’m it!
Work Style: Black and White
Work Style:Yellow Fever

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  • Alicia

    July 24, 2009 at 12:29 pm

    Oooh! I get to make a collage!!! I’ll put it up later tonight. We’ll see if one of the cats makes my list…I don’t like them very much right now. LOL.

  • San Francisco Stylephile

    July 24, 2009 at 3:44 pm

    What a great list! Silliness is the best! I, too, am a terrible but enthusiastic singer. And I did see your “Dynasty” post, which definitely provided subliminal inspiration for mine! 😉

  • Marcella

    July 27, 2009 at 1:57 am

    Peanut butter on apples? Now there’s a concept!

    At the risk of sounding highly ignorant… you were actually aware of the NZ earthquake before I even was!lol

  • tanesha

    July 30, 2009 at 9:36 pm

    awwww tezzi!

  • Tina Lane

    August 2, 2009 at 9:38 am

    Oops. I didn’t realize I had a homework assignment. I will work on this one soon. 🙂