DIY: Tulle Headpiece
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DIY: Tulle Headpiece

last minute halloween costume idea

I did it! I finally got it together and did a DIY project! Of course, it was because I only had 30 minutes to do it and I needed something to wear THAT NIGHT and of course I didn’t take pictures or anything because I had no real idea what I was doing, but ha! Triumph!

Here’s what I used:

  • 3 yards of tulle
  • 1/2 yard netting
  • black felt & scissors
  • twist ties or pipe cleaner
  • needle and thread

So all in all, the idea is to cut the tulle into 12-15 inch sections, gather each section into a tuft that’s poofy at the top, and secure each tuft at the bottom with a twist tie. You should create three to five of these tulle tufts. Then, cut a 3” diameter circle of felt and sew each tuft onto the circle. Scrunch the poufs up a bit, and once you figure out which side looks the best as the front, sew on the tulle.

DIY last minute Halloween costume idea

Voila! If you don’t have a Halloween costume yet, you can make one of these, throw on a long dress, and go as Evil Bride/Crazy Masquerader or whatever. And you get to be at least a foot taller, if only for one night.