Work // 2015 Portfolio Faves
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Work // 2015 Portfolio Faves

The end of the year is prime time for lazy blogger round-ups, so I’m taking full advantage of that and presenting a list of some of my favorite styling work from the past year:

Lady of the Hour (Cincinnati Wedding, Winter 2015)

cincinnati wedding stylist blog

Photos: Annette Navarro

Favorite because: The noon look (that hat!) and the pink leather jacket + feathered gown combo on the cover are right up my alley. I would totally get married in a nontraditional getup like that.

Vintage Ceramics (Cincinnati HOME 2015)

cincinnati prop stylist blog

Photo: Aaron Conway

Favorite because: I wrote the story in addition to styling the opener, so it was nice to get the inside scoop on the pieces we photographed.

Excessorize (Cincinnati SHOPS 2015)

cincinnati fashion stylist

Photos: Jeremy Kramer

Favorite because: Working with local jewelry designers and milliners gave me an opportunity to show some love to extremely talented Cincinnati creatives, and I’m always down for that.

Libby Summer 2015 Lookbook

Photo: Claudia Hershner

Photo: Claudia Hershner

Favorite because: Working with friends like Claudia and the Thread babes is always a blast, and I was astonished at how much easier it is to pull from ONE shop versus the 5-10 I’m usually working with. Plus I’m a bit of a control freak, so having a say in all parts of the creative was an exhilarating challenge.

All Grown Up (Baby Guide 2015)

Photo: Annette Navarro

Photo: Annette Navarro

Favorite because: The kids were freakin’ adorable and so fun to work with. Fun fact: Sophia’s floral dress on the cover is a $350 Dolce & Gabbana number, which she promptly spit up on. Because being a fashion stylist also means being an amateur dry cleaner.

Summer of Love (Cincinnati Wedding Summer 2015)

cincinnati wedding stylist blog

Photo: Annette Navarro

Favorite because: I loved pulling jewelry and accessories from local shops like Continuum and designers like Rock Salt Vintage. Jewelry is ridiculously hard to keep track of on set, but playing around and putting it all together is a blast.

Frieda’s Macarons (Cincinnati Magazine, April 2015)

cincinnati creative direction

Photo: Anna Jones/OMS Photography

Favorite because: Do I even need to say why? Actually, I will say one thing: Monster Macaron AKA when you stack 10 macarons of various flavors then smash them down to take a bite. I never said I was mature.

Be sure to let me know which one is your favorite!

  • Lisa

    January 2, 2016 at 9:29 pm

    A fun and very productive year indeed.

  • preeti

    January 3, 2016 at 6:16 pm

    you just a genius and a girlboss to boot!

  • Milan

    January 20, 2016 at 8:10 pm

    The baby one is too cute! I also really like the vintage ceramics one.