CLOSED Giveaway // Inspired by Women with a Vision (Sponsored)
Where strategy meets style
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CLOSED Giveaway // Inspired by Women with a Vision (Sponsored)

Photo: Claudia Hershner

Photo: Claudia Hershner

My first encounter with feminism came via a Fabulous Five book I read in elementary school. The main character (Jana) notes that her friend Katie is deep into the “women’s movement,” which sent me scurrying to my mother to ask what that meant. I don’t remember exactly what she told me, but I know that it wasn’t until years later, when I did a mental rewind and remembered that book, that I understood what Jana was saying: Katie was awesome because feminism is awesome because women are awesome.

Honestly, women never cease to amaze me. I’m surrounded by friends and family and influencers I admire for their humor, intellect, compassion, and vision.
It took vision for Oprah to build a media empire focused on teaching people to live their best lives.

It took vision for my friend Leah Spurrier to recognize the best way to nurture her talent and grow a home-based business into design and lifestyle brand HighStreet.

It took vision for Beyonce to persistently push the concept of a visual album, progressing from B’Day to Beyonce to the visually and emotionally arresting Lemonade.

It took vision for Zim Ugochukwu to conceive a network and life-changing cultural experiences for underserved travelers of color via Travel Noire.

It took vision for my friend Amy Scalia to create online magazine Cincy Chic when hyper-local digital publications were a relatively new idea.

It took vision for Claire Mazur and Erica Cerulo to create an online home for independent designers, their products, and their stories.

It took vision for all of the women I highlight on the Creative City podcast and in the Curated Creatives newsletter – to the point where I’m actually having to seek out men doing cool stuff – to fiercely and passionately pursue doing the thing they love.

Photo: Claudia Hershner

Photo: Claudia Hershner

I learn something from all of the women around me, and I’m constantly inspired by their work, their advice, and their willingness to share their shortcomings and accomplishments. They’re all pursuing a vision, and their example encourages me to work on my own – both intellectually and physically.

As a longtime four-eyes (since 4th grade, woot!), I’m happy to partner with Zenni Optical to recognize the positive impact women make in all our lives. We honor their strength through stylish and affordable eyewear so that everyone can see and appreciate their achievements and talents clearly. To that end, I’m giving away a gift card for one pair of glasses up to $150! See how cute their glasses are?

Photo: Claudia Hershner

Photo: Claudia Hershner

To be eligible to win, leave a comment about the women who inspire you, or post a link to your favorite pair of Zenni frames. I got these awesome square frames in tortoiseshell (for when I’m feeling classic) and marbled ombre (for when I’m feeling trendy). The giveaway ends on 6/2/16, so enter below now! UPDATED: Congrats to the winner, Jayedee!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

This is a sponsored post and compensation was provided by Zenni Optical. Words and opinions expressed are mine and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Zenni.