How to Take a Leap Without Knowing Where You’ll Land
Where strategy meets style
entrepreneur, growth, ziplining, Costa Rica
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How to Take a Leap Without Knowing Where You’ll Land

If you had told me I’d be suspended from a wire, sailing through a cloud for over half a mile, I probably would’ve had some questions.


Not because that’s something I wouldn’t do (that’s 100% the type of thing I LOVE to do), but because how? Why?⁠


The longest cable on the Monteverde Cloud Forest canopy tour is 1km, which is .621 miles according to The Googles. I’ve been zip-lining before, so I didn’t think much of it. Plus, as an American, metric is a mystery.⁠

Turns out the Cloud Forest is called the Cloud Forest for a reason: due to the area’s elevation, the trees are in the clouds. The entire forest is shrouded in a light mist, and each of the 13 zip-lining cables threads its way over and through lush, dense greenery. ⁠

I don’t remember if the guides told us when we got to the longest cable, but as they got my equipment ready, it dawned on me that I couldn’t see the platform at the other end. I could see where I was starting, of course, but I couldn’t see where I would land.⁠

There wasn’t much time to think about it—“1,2,3 GO!”—before I took off.⁠


Halfway across that forever-long line, I realized I was having the time of my life. I knew that even though I couldn’t see where I was going, there was a place for me to land and someone to help me if I needed it.

I threw my head back and cackled as I zoomed towards the still-obscured platform, taking in a mouthful of cloud mist.


“Okay,” I said out loud to no one in particular and everyone at once. “I get it.”⁠


Here’s the thing: it’s scary to take a step into the unknown. So you sit on that idea you’ve been thinking about because it’s not clear where you’ll end up. There’s no guarantee that the outcome you want is what will happen, so you don’t take any action at all.


But guess what? Even the folks who *think* they know where they’re going don’t really know where they’ll end up, and they’re not any better or smarter than you. YOU can take the first step without knowing where you’ll land. YOU can trust that there’s a place for you.


When I finally landed on the other side it was a triumphant moment, but it wasn’t the best part. Sailing through the air, experiencing the rush of fear + excitement + joy (and screaming a little bit, not gonna lie) was the BEST part. ⁠

Reminder: The growth is in the journey, not the result.⁠

It’s OK to be scared when you take that first step off the platform.


Make it easy on yourself and take 10 minutes to do least one of these easy steps to get started. Go ahead and scream a li’l bit if you need to.


If you need some encouragement, send me a message. We’ll scream together.

Need help taking that first step?
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