Personal Style
Where strategy meets style
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Style: Philip Lim Copycat

The opening look for the Spring 2009 3.1 Philip Lim show was one of the most popular of the season--and really, what's not to like?  However, if you look closely, you can see that the pieces that make up the look are fairly common: slouchy black pants, short sleeved white blouse, cropped vest (okay, the gold Sargeant Pepper styling is pretty special), and black open-toe shoes. It can be interpreted in a number of ways! Here's mine: You probably have

Work Style: Floral Prints

Screenprinted tee, Urban Outfitters; skirt, Warehouse; cardigan, The Limited; boots, Century 21; feather earrings, Anthropologie; belt, vintage. I'm not usually a floral print type of girl--give me blacks and grays any day--but I guess the combination of rainy April weather and warm temperatures is making me feel more princess than witch. Has the impending spring season had an impact on your style?