Vintage & Thrift finds
Where strategy meets style
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Shopping: Virtual Vintage

I have a thing for vintage. I know I'm not alone in this. Search the blogosphere--heck, search the entire world wide web--and you're greeted by a plethora of blogs, shopping sites, articles, and message boards all dedicated to the love of vintage clothing. Lately I've been suffering through some pretty serious withdrawal as I haven't been able to spend time browsing the cluttered aisles of my favorite thrift and vintage haunts (Goodwill, I miss you! Call

Work Style: Floral Prints

Screenprinted tee, Urban Outfitters; skirt, Warehouse; cardigan, The Limited; boots, Century 21; feather earrings, Anthropologie; belt, vintage. I'm not usually a floral print type of girl--give me blacks and grays any day--but I guess the combination of rainy April weather and warm temperatures is making me feel more princess than witch. Has the impending spring season had an impact on your style?

Easter Style: Suited Up

Suit and clutch, vintage; necklace, local designer Nomad; shoes, Guiseppe Zanotti I'm back from a much-needed break, hoping you had a lovely Easter/vernal equinox/whatever you celebrated. Time with my family + marshmallow Peeps = a great time for me! Pictured above:  this year's Easter suit, which is really just a vintage suit from the 80's given to me by a former co-worker who would regale me with stories of strutting around offices (when smoking was allowed indoors!)

Work Style: Take Flight

This jumpsuit was yet another goodie I dug out of the trunk of my car. I want to sew some sparkly Michael Jackson-inspired patches on this sucker so badly. Just call me Maverick! Vintage jumpsuit and clutch, army surplus belt, Giuseppe Zanotti heels, Claire's earrings. *Posts will be a little light this week since I'll be working on the magazine. Cross your fingers for me!

Work Style: Leather Love

I found this teal leather dress on a whirlwind thrift store tour, and figured it was too bad-in-a-good-way to pass up.  For months, it sat in my trunk aka third closet, languishing in the heat and cold, only to see the light of day when bags of groceries needed a ride home. Lately, I've been trying to wear more of the clothes I own, so out it came. But what to do with it? Teal leather