Style: Such a Tees
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Style: Such a Tees

On my way to Fountain Square to take a break from working (and working and working) on the upcoming issue of Style Sample Magazine. I decided to wear my new Nati Evolvement tee (thanks guys!) with a stretchy cotton pencil skirt and the high-heeled ugly-but-cool booties to sex it up a bit. After adding a print scarf and a casually tipped beret, I was ready for some Graeter’s ice cream*!

It’s a really easy look to achieve:

1. Shirt, Nati Evolvement 2. Beret, asos 3. Skirt, Forever21 4. Heels, Topshop 5. Scarf, Urban Outfitters
*Side note: I’m starting to think I live too close to Graeters. You’d think having to walk 9 blocks to get there would be a deterrent, but…nope. Not for me. Apparently, I am not able to live within walking distance of yummy frozen treats without overdoing it–I’m talking double scoops, topping, whipped cream, the whole nine… Dang!

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