Thrift Gift
Where strategy meets style
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Thrift Gift

Potential lottery winnings notwithstanding (come on, Powerball!), a combination of factors (vet bills, car issues, travel expenses, etc.) have severely affected my shopping budget. However…the urges are still there, and when the craving hits me I need my shopping fix stat! Yes, there are more important things than clothes/shoes/accessories*, but y’all know a girl’s gotta shop sometimes.

In an attempt to stop the shaking and itching and twitching (that’s an eye tick Mr. Wino-on-the-corner, I was not winking at you…but thanks for the Wild Irish Rose) I hit my favorite Goodwill and antique mall. I collected quite a bounty for a very small amount of cash–gotta love half-price day!
Either due to nostalgia or my advanced age, I’ve really been into grandma-style clothes: prim blouses, high-waisted tapered pants, anything reminiscent of the Golden Girls

After scooping up my octogenarian gear at Goodwill, I hit the Antique Mall, where I found no less than three vintage fur jackets I wanted. Really feeling the fur right now. I showed some restraint and settled on the vintage mongoose/squirrel/Monchichi fur vest (I prefer faux, though I’ll make an exception for vintage), which I’ve been rocking nonstop whenever the temperature drops below 60. According to fellow shopper Ray, a slightly creepy guy clutching an old Thriller album, it was the most versatile choice. Thanks, Ray.

A quick trip to the dry cleaner and the rest of these babies are ready to go into rotation! Anyone else have luck thrifting lately?

You’ll like these, too:

Shopping: Virtual Vintage

One Piece, Three Ways

Thrifting is Fun

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*Yeah, this was news to me, too. I know. I know.

  • D R E W

    October 26, 2009 at 2:39 pm

    where are you favorite thrift stores around here? i have my fave stores for “stuff” but usually don’t shop for clothes.

  • Pat

    October 26, 2009 at 3:47 pm

    I love vintage stuff too.. but lately the closest I have come to any shopping is my sister’s closet.. I did find a great pair of red maryjanes .. yummy.

  • Alicia

    October 27, 2009 at 12:38 pm

    GIRL YES!!! I just posted a collage of thrifts last night. It must have been in the water, because I came up!!!

  • Pat

    October 27, 2009 at 2:25 pm

    I actually went thrifting today, and found those adorible boots that I just could not leave behind. This is great for the morale and the pocket.
    Take Care

  • Tracey

    October 30, 2009 at 1:36 pm

    Hi I’m the owner of Tracey’s vintique I have great vintage clothing and accessories you would love my vintage collection!!!! Email me to set up an appointment I would love to meet with you [email protected]

  • Tracey

    October 30, 2009 at 1:38 pm

    Hi I’m the owner of Tracey’s vintique I have great vintage clothing and accessories you would love my vintage collection!!!! Email me to set up an appointment I would love to meet with you. [email protected]

  • wickedsweet

    October 31, 2009 at 3:37 am

    I love it all! u were definitely smiled on!

  • Caramelnaps25

    November 12, 2009 at 12:12 pm


    I am new to your blog and loving it! It is hilarious that you say “school teacher” blouse as I work in a public school. Those shirts are reminiscent of what I’ve seen teachers wear as a young student:) I love the looks you put together.

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    December 3, 2010 at 10:36 am