In a blue dress
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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In a blue dress

The return of early Fall or Indian Summer or whatever we’re calling it when the temperature gets up to 70 degrees in November prompted me to dig in the back of my closet for something to wear. I closed my eyes, reached in, and pulled out this vintage poly-tastic blue dress.

It’s still pretty chilly in the morning, so I bundled up in a cropped jacket, colorful scarf, and boots. I actually planned on wearing a different pair of boots, but somehow lost them in the pile of shoes and bags teetering precariously on a shelf in the mini-closet/accessory annex. I need to organize and purge that area, stat.

Vintage dress & bag; Gap jacket; Ann Taylor scarf & bracelet; Jessica Simpson boots

I don’t know what’s up with the serious-face. It was early, okay?

New issue!

Oh, the new issue of Style Sample magazine came out yesterday! Read it here.

  • Joslyn

    November 10, 2010 at 10:05 am

    Beautiful color combinations!! Love the hairstyle too…that is my go to no fuss style, but always looks elegant 🙂

    • tamia

      November 11, 2010 at 3:47 pm

      @Joslyn: Mine, too! I call it the la-Z-braid.

  • Tamu

    November 10, 2010 at 5:10 pm

    Love the boots, even better with the blue dress!

  • Caramelnaps

    November 11, 2010 at 10:44 am


    I love the look with the boots, the bag and the dress. Okay, I must admit the cover of the mag had me feening (lol) to take a read. I have viewed/read all of the previous issues, but by far this has been THE BEST!!!! I had to shut down the laptop at 1AM and make myself go to bed! Can’t wait until the weekend so I can browse some of the other bloggers sites you featured. But you know I’ve already peeped out Style Pantry- right, lol! Keep up the great work! Love it:)

    • tamia

      November 11, 2010 at 3:46 pm

      @caramelnaps: I’m glad you liked it! It makes the work worth it when people say that!

  • Dee

    November 12, 2010 at 4:23 pm

    Hi Tamia! Just like Caramelnaps, I, too,had to boot myself off of the computer so I could get some sleep! Thanks to you and your fabulous magazine, I was up until 5am, reading, clicking and following links! Fantastic issue…thanks for sharing your work and talent with us! 🙂

    • tamia

      November 14, 2010 at 10:52 pm

      @Dee: Yay, glad you enjoyed it!

  • Fajr | Stylish Thought

    November 16, 2010 at 12:43 pm

    Love the blue with the brown and white. Your style is so classic and chic!
    Sidebar: Prince @ MSG???

  • Dillards Prom Dresses

    September 16, 2011 at 3:45 am

    Very logical and reasonable post! Thanks for sharing.