Summer Reading: Fashion and Style
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Summer Reading: Fashion and Style

Summer-reading-fashion-books Although the googlenet has made reading flippy square things made of paper completely unnecessary, I have managed to (mostly) finish a few books this summer. Admittedly, some were re-reads and they’re all in the fashion/style category, but I feel like that’s valid because at least now I can claim “it’s for work.”

01.// Fashion Babylon by Imogen Edwards-Jones and Anonymous

Honestly, this book intrigued me, stressed me out, and scared the crap out of me all at the same time. But in a good way.

02.// Style Me Pretty Weddings by Abby Larson

I work at a wedding magazine and know absolutely zip about weddings, so I’ve been trying to cram. Style Me Pretty to the rescue!

03.// Collective Fashion Wisdom by Joyce Elkus and Nancy Brinker

This book was written by local fashion lovers, and they attempt to answer the top 90(!) style-related questions people ask.

04.// D.V. by Diana Vreeland

Ms. Vreeland was quite a character! At once amusingly charming and frustratingly oblivious, her memoir is a must-read for the notable quotes alone.

05.// Fashion Victim by Michelle Lee

I hadn’t read this since college, but Michelle Lee’s in-depth look at the world of fashion consumerism is still a thought-provoking read.

06.// The ELLEments of Personal Style by Joe Zee and Maggie Bullock

Because peeking into the closets and minds of some of the most stylish folks in the world ain’t never hurt nobody.

Read up, darlings! There will be a test next week.
