Style // Fashion Formula
Where strategy meets style
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Style // Fashion Formula

Something about formulas has always appealed to me, even though math has never really been my strong suit. I used to make up “creative equations” during calculus tests, which pretty much negates the purpose of formulas in the first place, right?

But the idea of an exact way to do something is heaven to my overzealous organizational tendencies, so I when this look garnered a lot of compliments at a recent party, I tried to break it down:

fashion stylist blog
fashion stylist blog AdornUSA Amadeus necklace, Old Navy muscle tee, vintage skirt (remember when I got it here and wore it here?) from NVISION, The Limited mini purse, DKNY heels

Statement jewelry: Over-the-top earrings, necklaces, anything near the face will work, including a great hat or scarf. Your face is usually the first place people look, so hit ‘em with an immediate dose of style.

Neutral basic: Half the trick is looking like you didn’t try too hard (see: French women). I wore this gray muscle tee to bed the night before, so the um, “lived-in” vibe is authentic. T-shirts, faded jeans, and sweatshirts/pants are your best bet here.

The Special Piece: Everybody has a few really fantastic items that rarely get any love because they’re too sparkly/dressy/bright. Bring ‘em out! I really love unique vintage or handmade pieces, and anything in a standout material (leather, sequins, kooky prints) usually works.

Pop o’ color: Any bright accessory (purse, shoes, gloves, hat) that adds contrast is an attention-grabber. I’m really into this orangey-tomato color right now as it’s just left of classic red.

Classic shoe: I chose a nude pointy-toe pump here, but shoes are really a no holds barred situation in my opinion. A classic shape (bootie, pump, sandal, etc.) makes any offbeat color or material work with pretty much anything.


  • Ashleigh

    September 30, 2014 at 4:11 pm

    YES! That necklace is fantastic.

  • Jaleesa

    October 4, 2014 at 4:34 am

    Wow I love how you styled everything together! It matches perfectly 🙂