Current Obsession // Podcast Madness
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Current Obsession // Podcast Madness

Ever since Serial blew up, there’s been a lot of talk about the explosion of the podcast. Not to sound all hipster-braggy, but I’ve been listening to podcasts since 2008, and while I still have some oldies-but-goodies (Pop Culture Happy Hour, Marketing Over Coffee, Star Talk Radio) in rotation, lately I’ve been exploring the world of entrepreneurship and lifestyle podcasts. Here are a few I’m currently obsessed with:


Being Boss

This is my favorite podcast right now, and not just because of the awesome title. Kathleen and Emily keep it real-real and share HOW they do things, from their step-by-step client onboarding process to the specific tools they use to organize their respective businesses. They’ve set up a Facebook group for creative entrepreneur types, and recently started hosting fun Twitter chats as a way for people to connect and support each other. Highly recommended.

The Lively Show

Jess Lively’s lifestyle podcast focuses on women entrepreneurs in the realm of style and design, and explores what makes them tick both personally and professionally. The current series is focused on finance and money management, including the very informative two-parter 27 Ways to Make Money

The Accidental Creative

I just started listening to The Accidental Creative, but Todd Henry’s podcast–much like the successful book of the same name–covers interesting topics like The Power of a Morning Ritual (ever noticed that people in power almost always have a morning meditation/workout routine?) and the importance of scheduling time for “deep work”.

Creative Start

While Creative Start hasn’t been updated in a few months, there are some interesting interviews with fashion designers, writers, and other makers talking about how they got their start, some of the lessons they learned, and how they nurture their creativity on a daily basis.

Hack the Entrepreneur

Jon Nastor is a lovable goofball who also happens to be a great interviewer. He asks all of his guests the same set of questions, yet still manages to dig deeper and find the unique “hack” that makes each of them successful as individuals. Hack the Entrepreneur is part of the Podcast Network, which has plenty of other shows worth checking out if you’re into digital marketing.

If I’m feeling really motivated, I listen to these at 1.5x speed and zip through 3-5 per day. It’s like having an encouraging internal voice dispensing insights and advice, which is helpful for getting in the necessary frame of mind to act like a boss.

  • Lisa

    July 14, 2015 at 4:07 pm

    Thanks for the recommendations. I’ve been trying to find new ones to listen to. Have you ever listened to Smart Creative Women by Monica Lee. She interviews primarily creative entrepreneurs.

    • tamia

      July 18, 2015 at 3:41 pm

      I haven’t heard of that one, but I’ll look it up! Thanks for the reco 🙂

  • Jacob

    July 15, 2015 at 11:34 pm

    great piece of article!
    entrepreneurs are backbone of economy…
    now a days they are emerging in technology sector mostly..