Personal Style
Where strategy meets style
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Nailed It

  For the first time since, oh, 7th grade, I've been doing fancy thangs with my nails: It's weird to think that I'm back to putting what basically amounts to stickers and glitter on my nails, but I guess some things never change! I think I'll try something like this marble design next: Have you seen or done any fun nail art lately? Keep in mind that I'm a novice, so I'm looking for stuff that's easy

The Bright Stripes

I must have been inspired by that rainbow I saw, because this rainbow-striped sweater and bright skirt was the first thing I reached for. I toned it down a bit with a black jacket--hey, we can't be ALL happiness and sunshine, right?  Triple-drop star earrings, $90 | Pea Jacket, $275| Striped knit dress, $81 | Yarn Plumes Skirt, $118 Also, if you're not too busy Friday evening, you should hit Mariemont for the opening of One Mode! Champagne

Blue Star

  Every year when the temperature dips below 50, I look forward to wearing these pants. I'm not sure why--something about the combination of high-waisted seventies goodness and plush blue velvet intrigues me. Vintage trousers and shoes; Polo boy's oxford; VS tee; thrifted scarf Is it just me or does the front of my hair bear a strange resemblance to the Chrysler Building here?


Something about my favorite Monchichi fur vest feels rugged and glamorous at the same time. That weird style dichotomy is what keeps me coming back to it again and again. Vintage vest and gloves; thrifted oxford; Forever21 skirt; Limited cardigan, Rupert Sanderson boots; earrings from The Little Mahatma Do you have any pieces that work dressed up OR down? How do you wear them?