Where strategy meets style
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Not Quite A Schoolgirl

It's been a "few" years since I could credibly claim even attending any sort of school, let alone wearing a uniform. As much as I've always loved clothes, I would've killed for a Gossip Girl-style uniform back in junior high and high school--and sometimes I still like to pretend.Colin Stuart blazer; thrifted blouse, skirt, and bootsAlso, there's a Jenni Kayne pop-up shop at The Wardrobe starting today, with a portion


On Saturday evening, Ashlee, Marsha and I hit the road and headed to Indianapolis for the Midwest Fashion Week finale. Outfit pics! I have no idea why I look so surprised. I took a picture of Ashlee taking pictures of Marsha. How meta is that?Photographers in the pitDesigns by Marlene Thomas, Melissa Tabor, and Cincinnati's own Amy KirchenOf course, being fashion bloggers, we took outfit pictures, enjoyed cocktails and wine, and stuffed ourselves with Mickey

Mark Your Calendars!

Last night I took my getting-sick self to the vitaminwater uncapped LIVE kickoff event to take some pictures and whatnot for A-Line's website.I'd hoped to get my hands on some of that yummy-looking mac and cheese, but I waited too long--by the time I took the first round of photos, it was gone. Note to self: Eat as soon as you see the food. Looking greedy is inconsequential because YOU ARE GREEDY.Glow OnSpeaking of vitaminwater

Fashion Recovery

Whew! I'm still recovering from last night's activities, but I thought I'd share some pictures of the fun/mayhem:FNO CincyAt Saks pre-Fashion's Night Out. First, how cute are the ladies working there? Second, how badly do I need (yes, NEED) this feathered bag?My friend, photographer Ann Van Epps hung out at FNO Cincy and took great pics of the stylish women there. I didn't realize the store itself would be such a gorgeous backdrop