Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Dig if you will these pictures

Back when the weather was still warm (you know, the good ol' days), Cincy Chic sponsored a photo shoot with local photographer Neysa Ruhl. We took some group photos as well as these individual shots, which were used for a story covering local bloggers--I represented the fashion side. REPRESENT! Seeing the final product, one thing is two things are for sure: 1. I need new black dominatrix-y shoes 2. I am not in the running to

Interview with: M641

M641 business partners Subu and Ina had been friends for years before launching clothing line Madras 641 in Spring 2007, just months after putting together the initial business plan. "In January 2007 during a visit together while our little ones were playing she shared her dream to have her own clothing label one day. Since both of us were at home full-time now with our little ones, we realized had so much in common and

Interview with: Nati Evolvement (Part 2)

We talked about the design process and product line from Nati Evolvement in Part 1 of the interview. Now it's time to find out who's buying their stuff and what else the guys are up to. Who's a Nati? So who's buying Nati Evolvement gear (and getting the possibly naughty notes)? People all across the country and around the world who wear Nati on their sleeve as an outward display of their pride for their hometown. "It's amazing