style inspiration
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Tumblr Tuesday: Wine bottle cages and Mixed animal prints

Remembering how I used to play Guess Who by myself (I was an only child, okay?); Admiring this bike accessory made for a true G; Loving the variety of animal prints represented here; Dreaming of collapsing in this bedroom and pulling a Rip Van Winkle; Plotting ways to incorporate a tweed cape into my Fall wardrobe; Trying to figure out exactly what this dessert is and what I need to do in order to eat

Street Style Favorites: July

I finally had a chance to catch up on my Bloglovin' reader (sort of), so I thought I'd share some of my favorite street style photos:TOP ROW:A leather collar immediately turns any look badass (Fashion Copious); I can't wait to wear this full mini + slouchy sweater combo once the heat calms down--no, really, CALM DOWN HEAT (Paulinemma); I swear a good hat and proper blazer can make almost anything look better (Easy Fashion)BOTTOM

Tumblr Tuesday: Cardboard cameras and cake art

Something about this look at the Miss Unkon show feels perfect right now; A single flower bathed in light has a very calming effect; The idea of a (non-working) cardboard camera is oddly intriguing; This is clearly the most realistic clock EVER; I've always been partial to this Julian Louie x Aldo collection even though I couldn't find it locally; Clearly, I'm not the only one who believes that cake = art.More inspiration at!

I forgot my mantra

The clocks turn back this weekend, which means it's officially Fall, which means the next six months will consist of me gazing longingly at my summer sundresses and cursing my parents' choice to raise me in frosty Ohio instead of on a lovely Caribbean island where fruity drinks in pineapples and naps on the beach are a way of life. Thanks, mom. But I digress. What was I saying? Oh, right, it's Fall. The onset