Style Sample Magazine
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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What, no fireworks?

Between hanging out with my family, acting as an all-you-can-eat buffet for mosquitoes, and perfecting my smoothie-making technique (I'm up to two per day. Seriously, it's a problem), I spent most of the holiday weekend working on the new issue of Style Sample magazine. You can read the online version here, and order a copy of the print edition--which includes a pretty awesome bonus feature on personal styling--here. I didn't even get to see

Style Sample Magazine mentioned in WWD!

From the May 7, 2010 issue of Women's Wear Daily: "A free digital magazine focused on and written by fashion bloggers, Style Sample just released it's sixth issue [actually, it's the seventh issue]. While the base site is more of a boon for bloggers (it provides plenty of how-to info and technology tips), it also allows readers to click through to the issues. And that's where an overload of creativity lives. Although it's a bit meta

Style Sample: Version 6

A few (more) gray hairs later, I finally got 'er done. Check out the newest issue! [issuu backgroundcolor=FFFFFF showflipbtn=true documentid=100303235633-d3854a40452b4b2489f4660610d7b635 docname=stylesamplemag_6 username=StyleSampleMagazine loadinginfotext=Style%20Sample%20Magazine%20Issue%20%236 width=420 height=274 unit=px]

An Editor’s Ramblings

I've been working my *^% off on the upcoming issue of Style Sample magazine only to have an uncooperative cover subject flake and not send photos. A great article was written (and it was difficult to get responses to the interview questions--I should have known then), four inside pages have been allotted, the issue comes out in a matter of days, and after repeated requests and multiple deadline extensions, I have no photos for