Work // Ball Tracer Dummy Photo Shoot
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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cincinnati photographer fashion photo shoot

Work // Ball Tracer Dummy Photo Shoot

cincinnati photographer fashion photo shoot

A few weeks ago, my friend Josh Anderson (you remember him from the podcast, right?) reached out with an interesting concept for a photo shoot: ballistics and martial arts. Josh likes weird stuff, and after years of styling relatively tame editorials for a mainstream audience, it was fun to push the boundaries a bit.

The process

As soon as I saw the mood board Josh put together, my brain immediately went into Producer mode: We needed people who could move well, so I reached out to dancers Neile Martin and Ian Timothy Forsgren to model.

I contacted my extremely talented (and very pregnant!) friend Stefani Carol to do hair and makeup, and sent her a quick creative brief to give her an idea of the beauty look we were going for.

I’m always down to work with talented designers, so I made arrangements with Anastasiya Yatsuk of TextileHaus and Tessa Clark of Grind & Glaze (who were both part of the Style + Sustainability gala) to borrow wardrobe for the shoot.

Once all the players were in place, I sent everyone the when/what/where details, scouted accessories for the models, and packed up the clothes and my kit.

cincinnati photographer fashion photo shoot

Josh showed Neile and Ian examples of poses as inspiration

Josh already had the set built and lighting set up when we got there (I love when photographers are prepared!), and had pulled a few inspiration photos for poses. Stefani got to work on natural-yet-sweaty makeup and wild hair while I outfitted the models, and the shoot began!

cincinnati photographer fashion photo shoot

Giving direction on the set

Et voila! Martial arts-inspired ballistics madness:

cincinnati photographer fashion photo shoot cincinnati photographer fashion photo shoot cincinnati photographer fashion photo shoot cincinnati photographer fashion photo shoot cincinnati photographer fashion photo shoot cincinnati photographer fashion photo shoot

“Ball Tracer Dummy”
Photographer: Josh Anderson
Hair & Makeup: Stefani Carol
Styling: Tamia Stinson
Wardrobe: TextileHaus and Grind & Glaze
Models: Ian Timothy Forsgren and Neile Martin

Interested in working on a shoot? Need help putting everything together? Get in touch!