The crazy schedule of the fashion industry (Spring shows in September, Fall shows in February) has thrown off my seasonal sensibilities for years. As a result, I usually start craving Fall items around the beginning of July or so. It's kind of ridiculous--in the midst of watching fireworks on Sawyer Point in 90-degree weather wearing short-shorts and a tank top, I'm daydreaming about boots and sweaters!
This year, the craving has set in a bit early
I'm not really a math person. As a left-brained creative type, reading, spelling, and language have always been my favorite subjects. However, due to my anal-retentive control freak tendencies and a maniacal need for organization, I do appreciate formulas--as long as they don't involve numbers.
This translates to my wardrobe accordingly: I like coming up with easy-to-understand combinations--recipes, if you will--for putting clothes together. For instance, trousers + fitted tee + blazer, or this pencil skirt
Notice how I didn't use the over-used, incredibly predictable reference to jewelry as "bling" for the title? You can thank me with cash.
I am heavy into jewelry right now, especially dramatic necklaces. Let's take a look at the lovely pieces recently seen on a few of my favorite bloggers:
I love this combination of heavy gold necklaces, and the length is perfect.
This vintage gold necklace is a great accent under blouses as it lies perfectly on the
Sometimes I want to be like the boys. No, not in the smelly-feet-raggedy-drawers-don't-clean-up-after-yourself way. I mean in the important way: wardrobe wise, of course.
It's not a new idea: women have been "borrowing" men's clothing for years to great effect: Think of silver screen stars Marlene Dietrich and Katharine Hepburn draping themselves in men's suiting, the iconic movie wardrobe of Diane Keaton in Annie Hall, and the laid-back glamour of Yves St. Laurent's le smoking.
Even the boys
The whole "Upper East Side housewife in the Hamptons" look has never been my thing, so I have to admit, I turned my nose up a bit at Tory Burch in the past. However, her Fall/Winter 2009 collection made me do a double take and I've seriously reconsidered accepting that marriage proposal from a wealthy New York investment banker type.
Wait, what? Banks are failing and the stock market is in the dumps? Oh. Nevermind