March 5, 2010
A few (more) gray hairs later, I finally got 'er done. Check out the newest issue!
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February 17, 2010
For reasons I probably don't (or maybe I do) need to explain, I've developed an obsession with independently published magazines, especially the artsy-fartsy/fashion-y ones run by a small group of passionate people.
I understand the commitment, the dedication, the long hours, and the attention that goes into even the tiniest detail. I've experienced the frustration when contributors don't follow through, the elation when the final product is finished, the nervous jitters that invade your stomach (can
January 5, 2010
C'est Ma Vie, Magazine
Hope everyone had a happy new year! Mine was spent in seclusion save a few sanity-preserving outings:
New Year's Eve was spent hunkered down on the couch, swathed in a Smurf-blue Snuggie with my computer on my lap. There was a very klassy orange juice and beer toast with FriendBoy at midnight before I got back to work and finally nodded off around 3am. How exciting!
Quick tip: Do not try to use the bathroom while wearing
December 30, 2009
I've been working my *^% off on the upcoming issue of Style Sample magazine only to have an uncooperative cover subject flake and not send photos.
A great article was written (and it was difficult to get responses to the interview questions--I should have known then), four inside pages have been allotted, the issue comes out in a matter of days, and after repeated requests and multiple deadline extensions, I have no photos for
Hope everyone had a great holiday! I had fun spending time with the fam and giving and receiving gifts, including this lovely new Nikon D3000 that I have no idea how to operate (but thanks for the surprise, Dad!), a new TV and a TV cabinet from IKEA (thanks Mom!), which FriendBoy and I put together in record time. I'm telling you, trying to make 378 pieces of compressed wood and a smattering of screws