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Mini Mendhi

So on Monday evenings, the CAC hosts an adult craft night called, appropriately, “One Night, One Craft.” Anything that encourages grownups to act like kiddos is something I can get behind. The most recent night was dedicated to do-it-yourself mendhi, and I thought “Why not?” It’s sort of like drawing on yourself, and much like Simon, I like to do draw-rings. The instructor showed us how to mix the henna and coffee into a paste,...

Indie Newsstand

Time for some more indie magazine love! Joie is a women’s lifestyle magazine covering art, craft, living, design, fashion, and more. Who’s Jack is a lifestyle magazine for men and women, filled with fashion, music, art, design, and film. Faint is an independent fashion, art and culture magazine featuring international artists and designers. Collect/ive is a fine arts magazine focused on giving exposure to young artists. Minimal words, plenty of pictures.

Tumblr Tuesday: Light-filled Canals and Chandelier Cozies

A delicate pendant necklace with crystals (my favorite!) “growing” out of it is nothing short of perfect; I know the canals can be a little funky, but look how beeyooooteeful Venezia is; These Johnnie Walker meets Ming Dynasty bottles are just one example of brilliant packaging design; I love that simple paper art can make such a meaningful statement; If a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, how much is a...

Tumblr Tuesday: Orange Suits and Gym Class Parachutes

Who knew that artfully woven grosgrain ribbons could result in such a sophisticated necklace?; This painting reminds me of a colorful wad of chewed-up gum–in a good way; An angry paper beast sculpture seems like a perfectly reasonable home decoration when it’s this fun and colorful; I never thought I’d say yes to an orange suit and velvet smoking slippers, but YES; I haven’t always been a big fan of the color orange (it, like,...

Russet + Blue

So, I’ve really been feeling this rusty russet color lately–by coincidence, it featured prominently in Sunday’s photo shoot. Y’all remember how much I loved the colors in Gucci’s Fall/Winter collection, and several other designers featured these colors, too. I wanted to wear this russet top I’ve had for years with something bright, and a pair of Smurf-blue pants did the trick. Victoria’s Secret blouse; vintage pants, belt, bag, and shoes Fa la la la la...