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Tumblr Tuesday: Coogi Art and Lacy Boots

Coogi art–yes, art made from old Coogi sweaters–seems like a good way to make the most of an, um, unfortunate situation; Mirrored walls always remind me of my childhood home; Lace ankle boots seem delicate and fierce at the same time; I’m slightly obsessed with the way perfume atomizers make even the messiest vanities (ahem, MINE) seem sophisticated; I love that this editorial recalls the days when Linda Evangelista’s ever-changing hair color was front page...

Tumblr Tuesday: Silver Slides and Frosty Ballerinas

Wearing a big knit bow around one’s neck isn’t usually a good idea, but there are always exceptions; The multi-level slide at the Margiela store in Beijing is one of my childhood dreams come true; I recently lost ALL of my keys (’cause I’m a genius like that) so this cloud key magnet would come in handy in the future; An airy room with a balcony in Barcelona seems like the perfect place to be...

Best of the Blog 2011

Another year, another…well, another year. Plenty of things change, even more stays the same, and it’s always nice to have a look back and reminisce a bit. Here are some of my 2011 favorites from The Style Sample: Ask T: What to Wear to Speak to Magazine Editors | Easy DIY: Painted Necklace | How To Create Image Maps for Your Blog | DIY Fashion: Elastic Elation | Tumblr Tuesday Creative Inspiration | Unpopular Fashion...

Tumblr Tuesday: Salami Signs and Software Pirates

Something about this Swedish sitting room feels beach-y and mod at the same time; I’m liking the idea of a short-short dress with a bright red blazer for New Year’s; Thumbs up for non-corny letterpress wedding invitations in one of my favorite color combinations; A Send A Salami sign is the perfect fodder for inappropriate-yet-clever banter; If I could fit things over my hair I’d wear headdresses ALL THE TIME; This literal interpretation of a...

Cincinnati’s Shopping History Reloaded

5th and Vine, 1907 I recently wrote an article about Cincinnati’s shopping history for the December issue of A-Line magazine. Real talk: writing is NOT my favorite pastime. But research? I’ve been doing research projects since encyclopedias and card catalogs were the only way to find information and I LOVE research. LOVE IT. If it were up to me, I’d forego all that “writing” jazz and and just list a bunch of facts I find...