The number one question you need to answer to create your vision

It’s 2020 y’all! A time for resolutions (I don’t really do that any more), setting intentions (that’s more my thing), and thinking about where you want to take your life over the next 366 days (Leap Year, holla!).
I LOVE planning, so November-December was a blast. Spreadsheets, scribbled notes, goal-setting worksheets… I was in hog heaven, but still not finding the clarity that would make it all make sense. I needed more.
One day, I had an A-HA moment. Most visioning or goal-setting advice advises you to start with yourself: who YOU want to be, what YOU want to do, the life YOU want to live. That’s all important, but it wasn’t…big enough. My life isn’t just about me. No one’s is.
I wanted to take my vision beyond myself. To go BIG. I wanted to think about how I fit into the larger world, something bigger than me. Which meant I had to answer the question that would guide my purpose, not just my actions:
“What kind of world do I want to live in?”
That question clarified something big: my vision. It’s not the ONLY way I see the world, but it settled a lot of questions and helped me determine which ideas to pursue and set goals accordingly.
I was so excited about my newfound clarity that I hosted a 2020 Visioning Workshop to share it with others struggling to find a clear direction. I’m all about sharing helpful information, so here’s what we reviewed in the workshop:
Take some time to think about this. Reflect on something you’ve often thought about or experienced and thought, “if ____ was true, the world would be a better place.” Look at each part of your vision statement and break down the meaning. Who, specifically, are you talking about? Exactly what do those words mean to you? Here’s my breakdown as an example. Now set some goals based on your vision. Take each part of your vision breakdown and ask: WHO do you know that would benefit from your vision? Who could help make it happen? HOW can you start to make it a reality? Begin with what you already have or know, vs what you’d like to have or know in the future. Taking action will create the momentum needed to keep going and learning. The answers to these questions are your goals! Your goals should be as specific as possible, have a deadline, and include a way to measure if they’ve been achieved, aka SMART goals. To get into a manifestation mindset, think about what you’ll be most excited about when you accomplish your goal. Are there people you’re excited to work with? Events you’re excited to attend? Imagine the specific scenario that excites you. Now that you have your goals, it’s time to break them down into one-hours tasks (because most people have at least one hour/day to dedicate to their goals). Be as realistic as possible about how much time things take and how much time you have available. Most tasks will fall into one of five categories: Research, Outreach, Creation, Promotion, or Follow-up. Make sure you account for the different stages needed to accomplish each task. For example, if you’re reaching out to speakers for an event, you may need to research names and email addresses, create a submission form, and compose a standard message before you actually contact people.
Need more direction or clarity?
Set up a PowerUp Session, a two-hour deep dive into your number one Big Idea with someone who’s been there. We’ll unpack your thoughts, create a clear vision that aligns with your goals, and take ACTION to get you started.
Got questions or need more info? Send me a message if you’d like to connect!