Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Let’s Do a Makeover!

So I’ve been thinking about rebranding for a while, but a few weeks ago I realized it’s been almost four years since I redesigned this site! As many fashion trends have come and gone since then, it’s definitely time for a makeover. You know, something to give me a sense of control in a world of chaos. It’s more than simple aesthetics, though--as a full-time editorial stylist, fashion is now technically my profession, not just a

How To: Create Image Maps for Your Blog

You know those online collages that let you click on different pictures to go to different sites, like in a blog post, email newsletter, or on a Facebook landing page? There's a good chance it was an image map. Image maps allow you to hyperlink areas of a single image to various URLs (websites) without "slicing" the image into separate files. They come in handy when you want

Style Sample: Version 6

A few (more) gray hairs later, I finally got 'er done. Check out the newest issue! [issuu backgroundcolor=FFFFFF showflipbtn=true documentid=100303235633-d3854a40452b4b2489f4660610d7b635 docname=stylesamplemag_6 username=StyleSampleMagazine loadinginfotext=Style%20Sample%20Magazine%20Issue%20%236 width=420 height=274 unit=px]

Reading Roundup: Learning from old white dudes and something better than a Snuggie

The socio-economic implications associated with style of dress makes fashion a topic worth talking about in my opinion, but this post about Why Fashion is Worth Blogging About does a great job of breaking it down for those who don't quite get it.  Be sure to check out some of the comments, too. "You should be passionate about what you do for a living, and don't let any fool tell you otherwise." Advertising copywriter Derek Walker's