Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Feel free to f*ck up

I planned on doing a video blog last year. The problem was, I was scared of looking silly on camera (inevitable, trust me) and hated that I didn't have the ability to create a television-ready broadcast complete with studio lighting and zippy Flash intro. I was daunted by the fact that I had no clue how to get professional results using an amateur video editing program. Really, how ridiculous is that? But because I was

The heat is on

On Saturday, I hit u.swap, a clothing swap put on by U-Turn Art Space and vintage shop Chicken Lays an Egg (check out co-owner Jessy's blog, Mascara or Motoroil). Surprisingly (to me), I found ten items I was ready to part with--I have a hard time letting go of clothes--and managed to bring home a few new things in support of what I've decided to deem "sustainable shopping." What? It's a real movement. Clothes

The Bicycle Thief

I've really been slacking on this whole blogging thing lately. Every now and then, it feels like my life is better as my own, no sharing necessary. It's nice to be able to keep things close to the vest, though frankly, things have been a bit boring. Let's see: I spent last Sunday running up and down Main Street like a crazy person during Second Sunday in OTR. After taking hundreds of pictures, chatting up

Red Pink and You

Last Friday evening I hit the Purple People Bridge with Style Sample magazine photography assistant Brandy for Cincy Chic's Red Pink and Blue event. It was much bigger this year, and I ran into a few familiar faces. Jewelry sponsor Serket Jewelry had tons of gorgeous pieces, including a substantial collection of statement necklaces. I'm dreaming of wearing 6-7 at a time, like ancient Egyptian pectorals. DJ Storm Bennett kept everyone entertained (he's obvs.